Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Young and Impressionable

Ok so this morning I was let in on a little fact that the President is highly recommending that our schools across American MAKE our children watch his address to them. I really have a hard time with this. I mean if you have something to say to my child, I want you to say it with me present. Yes,I know they are saying that we can watch the "live" feed from the White House website, but really I don't think so. And yes some people will choose not to watch it and not let their children watch it at home, but that is our Right as American's! We normally try to watch these things anyway, to see where his head is at and what he is proposing.

While I have not had anyone come out and say that they disagree, I know I may have pissed off some of my Obama supporting friends, but I just get a bad feeling about this. Someone told me that it reminds then of WW2 Germany. I'm not old enough to know if that is true, but I get what she is saying.

-standing for my Rights

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