Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Reemergence of Franny

Well not so long ago Franny was a big part of my life, then she went nuts and decided to pull away as a friend. Which really meant we never talked IRL or on the phone. Back before all of that there was a incident on Facebook with one of her "friends". Basically he decided to be a dick and start bad mouthing me so when I retaliated (which happened to be on her page) she got pissed. So being the bigger person, I deleted all my rude comments. All the while all she had to do was DELETE the thread, since as she said it was "Her Page" Anyway that is the back story which brings us to the latest.
    Franny posted a link about Obama calling Michael Vic's people and congratulating them, and said she didn't want to comment but for everyone else to feel free to. Well within a matter of hours her Brother In Law was in a fight with a low life foul mouthed friend of hers. This friend was calling her BIL names and cursing at him. This went on for about 70comments. I just happened to read through and at the end wrote, "Wow last time I got in a fight like this with one of "Franny's" friends, it ended much like this one." Her BIL "liked" my comment. So my comment must have set her off because she deleted the thread and then the next day she deleted me.
   I took a few days to think it over and sent her a message asking what I did to deserve that, after all my comment was innocuous. No response. So I decided a week ago I would go ahead and be the bigger person, because come on folks we aren't in High School anymore, and should be able to resolve this like adults. Right? Well the answer if WRONG, I sent her an email saying that I was sorry for saying or doing something that hurt her feelings, and what do I get, another Delete. That's right she BLOCKED me from her Twitter account. I mean really? How old are you Franny? 38? My 13 yr old son acts more mature than you do!
   So anyway, I just had to vent about how childish she is being. But I do think that it is so hilarious that I get under her skin so bad that she has had to ignore,delete and block me in all ways of communication. I bet if I called her I would get ignored. LMAO, Oh well her loss. I have a lot more friends now that she is gone, and my life is better in so many ways. I hope that one day she will find the peace that she needs in her life.


1 comment:

  1. Based on how she apparently treats those who should be closest to her, and seems to encourage adolescent behavior in the people she chooses as friends...
    Well, I'd say you're better off without her, but that's just my two cents.
